jpg images.Įnter the name of the person you are about to capture. Sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev python-opencvĬhange to the tools module folder cd /MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Facial-Recognition-Toolsĭecide whether you want to capture images from your web cam or convert existing. Note: its the internal folder that you want with the same name.Ĭopy to MagicMirror/modules using your FTP or whatever folder browser you are using. The steps I have taken to get this working: Set up the toolsĮxtract zip and remove -master from the end of the folder. It might be easier to do all of this on the PI directly. The software I am using to do this is Mobaxterm. MagicMirror is installed and confirmed functioning correctly.
So I will complete this post as I progress.
I only start figuring it out last night and so I am still setting up. Due to there being no guide on this and I was looking for one… I have decided to just make one…